The Names of God: A Chart Study on God’s Identity

The Names of God: A Chart Study on God’s Identity hero image

Throughout the Bible, God is referred to by many different names, each of which reveals a unique aspect of His character and identity. In this article, we will explore the names of God through a comprehensive chart study, in order to gain a deeper understanding of who He is and how we can relate to Him.

The Names of God in the Old Testament

The chart below lists some of the most significant names of God in the Old Testament, along with their meanings and the passages in which they are found:

  1. Yahweh (Exodus 3:14) - "I Am Who I Am"
  2. Elohim (Genesis 1:1) - "God" or "Creator"
  3. El Shaddai (Genesis 17:1) - "God Almighty"
  4. Adonai (Genesis 15:2) - "Lord" or "Master"
  5. Jehovah-Jireh (Genesis 22:14) - "The Lord Will Provide"
  6. Jehovah-Rapha (Exodus 15:26) - "The Lord Who Heals"
  7. Jehovah-Nissi (Exodus 17:15) - "The Lord Is My Banner"
  8. Jehovah-Shalom (Judges 6:24) - "The Lord Is Peace"
  9. Jehovah-Raah (Psalm 23:1) - "The Lord Is My Shepherd"
  10. Jehovah-Tsidkenu (Jeremiah 23:6) - "The Lord Our Righteousness"

The Names of God in the New Testament

In the New Testament, God is primarily referred to as "Father," reflecting the close and intimate relationship that He desires to have with His children. The chart below lists some of the most significant names of God in the New Testament, along with their meanings and the passages in which they are found:

  1. Abba (Romans 8:15) - "Father"
  2. Theos (John 1:1) - "God"
  3. Kurios (Acts 10:36) - "Lord"
  4. Pater (Matthew 6:9) - "Father"
  5. Soter (Titus 2:13) - "Savior"
  6. Despotes (Jude 1:4) - "Master"
  7. Pantokrator (Revelation 19:6) - "Almighty"
  8. Logos (John 1:1) - "Word"

The Significance of the Names of God

The names of God are not merely labels or titles, but reveal important aspects of His character and nature. When we understand the meanings of these names, we can deepen our relationship with God and better understand His purposes and plans for our lives. For example, when we call God "Yahweh," we acknowledge His eternal and unchanging nature, while when we call Him "Jehovah-Jireh," we affirm our trust in His provision for our needs.


The names of God are a rich and powerful reminder of His identity and character, and a source of comfort and guidance for His people. Through a comprehensive chart study, we can gain a deeper understanding of these names and their meanings, and be inspired to draw closer to God and live in obedience to His will. May we continue to seek His face and know Him more deeply, as we journey together in faith and love.

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