10 Bible Charts Every New Believer Should Have

10 Bible Charts Every New Believer Should Have hero image

As a new believer, it can be overwhelming to dive into the vast and complex world of the Bible. There are so many books, chapters, and verses to explore, and it can be difficult to know where to begin. One way to gain a solid foundation in your Bible studies is to use charts and visual aids that help you understand the key themes and concepts of the Bible. Here are 10 Bible charts every new believer should have:

  1. The Books of the Bible: A chart that shows the order of the books in the Bible and how they are organized into the Old and New Testaments. This chart can help you navigate the Bible and understand how each book fits into the larger narrative of God's plan for humanity.
  2. The Ten Commandments: A chart that lists the Ten Commandments and explains their significance. This chart can help you understand God's moral law and how to live a life that is pleasing to Him.
  3. The Fruit of the Spirit: A chart that lists the nine fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) and explains what they mean. This chart can help you understand how the Holy Spirit works in your life to produce good fruit.
  4. The Armor of God: A chart that shows the pieces of armor listed in Ephesians 6:10-18 and explains their significance. This chart can help you understand how to spiritually protect yourself against the attacks of the enemy.
  5. The Tabernacle: A chart that shows the layout and significance of the tabernacle, which was a portable sanctuary used by the Israelites in the wilderness. This chart can help you understand how God's presence was manifested in the tabernacle and how it foreshadowed the coming of Christ.
  6. The Parables of Jesus: A chart that lists the parables of Jesus and explains their meanings. This chart can help you understand the central message of the Gospel and how Jesus taught about God's kingdom.
  7. The Miracles of Jesus: A chart that lists the miracles of Jesus and explains their significance. This chart can help you understand how Jesus demonstrated His power and authority and how His miracles revealed important truths about God's kingdom.
  8. The Beatitudes: A chart that lists the Beatitudes (blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are those who mourn, blessed are the meek, etc.) and explains their meaning. This chart can help you understand Jesus' teachings about humility, mercy, and righteousness.
  9. The Life of Jesus: A timeline chart that shows the major events in the life of Jesus, from His birth to His ascension. This chart can help you understand the historical context in which Jesus lived and the significance of His ministry.
  10. The Plan of Salvation: A chart that outlines the steps of salvation, from acknowledging your need for a Savior to receiving salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. This chart can help you understand the central message of the Gospel and how to receive the free gift of salvation.

By using these charts and visual aids, you can gain a deeper understanding of the key themes and concepts of the Bible. As you continue to study God's word, let these charts be a helpful guide as you seek to grow in your faith and live a life that is pleasing to Him.

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